
Saturday, February 4, 2012


Confession - I spent the entire morning in my pajamas. I did muster up enough strength to brush my teeth and fix myself some hot chai tea, but other than that I spent hours babysitting my couch. It was wonderful. The last couple of weeks have been filled with company, wedding planning, and concerts on top of my normal schedule. All fun times but I think it finally caught up with me a bit. 

I spent my couch time watching Superhumans on the history channel. Yes, I watched 3 or 4 uninterrupted hours of it. Amazing. Has anyone watched this show? How did I not know about it?!  I've always had this silly notion that I have some undiscovered talent. Ridiculous I know... or is it? Hmm. I think this is the reason I love to try new things. From parachuting out of planes to taking my turn at the pottery wheel (I still have PTSD from this experience, but that is a story for another day), I am always up for trying something new.

Superhumans takes this concept to a whole new level by finding people with unbelievable capabilities. I'm beginning to think I've been aiming too small. The fastest human calculator, the strongest man in the world, a man who can withstand electricity, a guy who can scale walls like monkeys...the list goes on. They even had a guy that harnesses his energy to make people pass out without even touching them! I tried this on Chewy and thought I had failed at first. However less than 5 minutes later, I found her like this....

Delayed reaction or just a coincidence - I'll let you be the judge. 

Around noon, I decided it was time to get up and make something of myself. The afternoon has been spent doing fun things like grocery shopping, cleaning and laundry (I die of excitement). The evening, however, has picked up with epic pizza making at our house. Scott's "Man Meat" pizza and my "G-free Veggie Explosion" look delicious.  My secret ingredient is almonds. Slivered almonds on pizza - try it. It will change your life... or maybe just the way you order pizza.

Have a stupendous rest of your Saturday. I'm off to stuff my face (per usual) and watch Missouri beat Kansas (fingers crossed). 


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