
Monday, February 6, 2012

It's Gettin' Hot in Here...

It seems yoga has been getting a bad rap lately (see here), and I feel the need to put in my two-cents. I have been practicing yoga on and off for several years now. In the last year, I have come to practice regularly several forms including Vinyasa, Ashtanga, and Bikram. I love each and every one of them for different reasons. 

As the temperatures continue to get cooler in the Midwest, I have gravitated more towards Bikram or Hot Yoga. The cold temps have made it much easier to talk myself into spending 90 minutes in 105 degrees. The first Bikram class I took, I remember thinking “So, this must be what hell feels like” after about the first 5 minutes. Somehow, I made it through the entire class and, after several more, began to fall in love.

For those of you not familiar with Bikram, it is a sequence of 26 postures that work systematically through the body. The series consists of doing each pose twice. The first set, you work to reach your edge (the point at which you think you can go no further). The second set, you begin at the edge and hold for a shorter period of time. One of the things I love most about Bikram or Hot Yoga, is how the sequence of poses counteract one another. For instance, you spend time in Camel pose (Ustrasana), a kneeling backbend of sorts, and then follow it with Rabbit pose (Sasangasana), a kneeling forward fold of sorts.  

For me personally, yoga provides both mental and physical benefits, and I have never used it as my only source of exercise. However, I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to others as a compliment to their weekly routine. Just like any exercise, there is always risk for injury, but there are ways to mitigate those risks as well. Below are my top 5 items to consider if you are thinking of incorporating yoga into your life.

1. Go to a studio
If you are just getting started and doing a more meditative practice, then a studio may not be necessary, but a good class experience is important to ensure you have proper alignment in poses.

2. Try different studios to find the one that best fits your style and needs
Do not feel bad about shopping around to find a studio and a teacher that is right for you.  I attended a class once where the teacher played Tibetan Vibration Bowls on our stomachs. I attended another class that included lots of chanting. For some of you, this may be right up your alley and that is awesome. For me, I prefer quieter periods of meditation. Rest assured, there is an option out there for everyone. Oh, and be open - the Tibetan Bowls were pretty cool. ;)
3. Be wary of the teacher that is using the class as his or her own time to workout or the teacher that pushes you further into a pose without your permission.

This may be more of a pet peeve of mine, but I feel like good teachers make sure you are getting the most out of the class.  The best teachers I have had are able to balance showing you the pose in the series to keep the class flowing and making sure everyone has proper positioning. In addition, a gentle push to deepen a pose is often welcomed. However, I know of people who have been injured when they weren't prepared for the teacher assist. 

4 . Realize that yoga is an evolving journey 
I will have an awesome class one day and struggle the next. It is in the difficult classes that I learn the most about my body and myself. Learn to accept the good with the bad...such is life.
5. Yoga is more than just the physical workout
Let's be honest, when else do I get 90 minutes to myself! Yoga is wonderful in that it quiets your mind and allows you to focus on one intention.  Best activity for mental health in my opinion. :)
Overall, have fun, listen to your body, and respect your limits! Yoga is never about competition with others. It wasn't created to be a sport. No one is staring at your bum or laughing at the fact that you spent the last five minutes in child's pose. To me, it has always been about each individual's personal journey.  My personal journey. 

Disclaimer: I am NOT a certified trainer or yoga instructor. The above are just my personal observations and opinions from my experience. 

Hope you all are having a great week!

Have you tried yoga? Are there any other items you would add to my list?

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